こけら落としとして、画家/ペインターのUC EASTによる個展『comb』を9月10日(土)から10月16日(日)まで開催。2022年春のMADSTORE UNDERCOVERとのコラボレーションも話題となった作家の、出産後初の個展。キービジュアルに使用している作品にも見られる、生命そのものを連想させる濃密で鮮烈な赤の表現がUC EASTの新たなビジョンを感じさせる展覧会、ぜひご高覧ください。
香川県高松市常磐町1-6-13 1F
OPEN:11:00 – 19:00 / CLOSE:火・水曜
Late summer, 2022. CENTER/SANUKI, a new venue centered on art, coffee, souvenirs, and communication, was recently opened on the first floor of the building that houses DEGICO’s Takamatsu office. No matter the medium or form of expression (art, music, fashion, design, food, etc.), creativity will be the starting point to create new experiences and connections that will give birth to the cultures of the coming age.
CENTER/SANUKI hopes to become a “place” where connections among people, the community, and cultures are created through art exhibitions, coffee stands, workshops, pop-up shops, the creation of unique goods as well as other multifaceted initiatives. At the core of the project is the desire to “make Takamatsu more fun / have people enjoy Takamatsu more”. Our goal is to create new values by combining creations such as art and design with local businesses, to serve drinks that feature Kagawa’s signature Wasanbon sugar and Nyoho strawberries, and to cherish the time spent making each cup of coffee individually by hand-drip brewing.
To mark the opening, artist and painter UC EAST will hold a solo exhibition entitled “comb” from September 10th (Sat) to October 16th (Sun). The artist, whose spring 2022 collaboration with MADSTORE UNDERCOVER was much talked about, will hold her first solo exhibition since the birth of her child. We hope visitors will enjoy this exhibition, which conveys UC EAST’s new vision with deep and intense reds that remind us of life itself, evident in the exhibit’s featured piece.
We look forward to welcoming you all in the alleyway of Tokiwa-gai, Takamatsu City.
1F, 1-6-13, Tokiwa-cho, Takamatsu-shi, Kagawa, 760-0054, Japan
OPEN:11:00 – 19:00 / CLOSE:Tue.・Wed.
September 2022 –